Archive for the ‘New Sonnets’ Category

New Sonnets

Monday, February 5th, 2024
This project composes a sonnet from one line each of Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets.
(whichever line speaks to me upon reading the sonnet)

Sonnet Number (line number in that sonnet”text”)

New Sonnet 1 (line 7 “Making a famine where abundance lies, “)

To make a famine where abundance lies
We need to disregard the way we live
If no one ever starves then no one dies
If no one asks, does anybody give?

Abundant lies exist where people seem
To be enamored by abundant words
Where poetry is more than just a dream
Where poets flit about like little birds

They peck the ground where seeded words are spilt
The poets think that they must peck to fly
And so they peck and eat in abject guilt
And then regurgitate before they die

The metaphor of words as seeds proclaims
That poets too are known by other names.